adults and kittens READY TO GO HOME NOW
adults and kittens READY TO GO HOME NOW
Marty is almost 3 years old. His birthday is June 14th 2021. He is a seal sepia rosetted bengal. He is the friendliest cat you will ever meet. He loves everything about life. He has never met a stranger. He can go to a home with kids and/or cat friendly dogs. He is neutered and ready to go home now.
Caitlin is 3 years old. Her birthday is March 16th 2021. She is a seal lynx point rosetted bengal. She is very sweet and enjoys to cuddle. She's still playful and loves to run on a cat wheel. She can go to a home with older kids and/or cat friendly dogs.
Marigold is almost 3 years old. Her birthday is June 13th 2021. She is a brown rosetted bengal. She is kind soul. She loves people and cats. She can go to a home with kids and/or cat friendly dogs and cats. Marissa is her daughter.
Marissa is almost 1 year old. Her birthday is June 9th 2023. She is a brown rosetted bengal. She loves people, cats, dogs or any other creature she meets. She wants a home were she has lots of interaction. She can go to a home with kids and/or cat friendly dogs and cats. Marigold is her mother.
Here are links to our friends catteries that have adults:
Marie has one adult available at
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